Our Apache shared hosting will be converted to OpenLiteSpeed!

Since we’ve launched our new hosting panel (called MediaServe Pro), we been working with a Managed VPS client who put OpenLiteSpeed though its paces. We’ve found OpenLiteSpeed to be faster in performance compared to Apache. Our cPanel hosting clients who requested migration to the new system were hosted by Apache until we switched those servers […]

Migrating from cPanel to MediaServe Pro

We’re no longer provisioning service on cPanel. We’ll eventually phase out cPanel (because of their ridiculous yearly price hikes since 2019). We offer clients a migration path to our new panel: MediaServe Pro developed by Enhance. The details below attempt to prepare members for migration fully. This list will not affect every member, and please don’t feel this […]

Changing Domain Name Registrars

We’ve already begun offering a new hosting panel to cut down on cPanel licensing costs which have been increasing every year since 2019. Now it’s time to decrease our domain name registration/transfer pricing too! Soon we plan to register and transfer domain names to a different domain name registrar which will achieve the following: Lower domain name […]

The Untapped Benefits of a CDN for Video Streaming

The online world is evolving rapidly, and website owners, podcasters, and live video streamers constantly seek ways to enhance their user experience and boost their performance. This article will explore the benefits of using a CDN to improve your live video streaming performance, user experience, and overall online presence. What is a CDN? A Content […]

MediaServe Pro 10.3.0 Update

Features Ability to send system notifications to a Slack channel.One channel can be set per organisation. One channel can be set per organisation. A master organisation or reseller can now create unlimited name server hostnames. Enhancements Plesk importer UI improvements in dark mode. Additional data points (3, 4, 5 and 6 days) added to ‘Maximum […]

Live Streaming 101: How to Connect with Your Audience Like Never Before

Live streaming has revolutionized how we connect with our audience, offering engagement and interaction like never before. Whether you’re a brand, influencer, or simply looking to share your passion with the world, mastering the art of live streaming is essential. In this guide, we’ll take you through the basics of live streaming, helping you connect with […]

MediaServe Pro 10.2.0 Update

Features Plesk website importer (beta):Ability to import a full Plesk backup (not protected by a password). For end users an import can be carried out by uploading a backup. For the MO an import can be carried out by SCP and by uploading a backup. Ability to import a full Plesk backup (not protected by a […]

MediaServe Pro 10.1.0 Update

Feature Automatic site URL update when updating the primary domain name for a WordPress website. Ability to set a ‘Delay first backup’ setting;This setting will delay the initial backup of newly created websites. Default is 15 minutes. (Settings > Service > Backups) This setting will delay the initial backup of newly created websites. Default is […]

Understanding the Intersection of the Press Freedom Index and Free Speech Web Hosting

The Press Freedom Index and free speech web hosting are two concepts closely related to the online expression of opinions and information. Though journalism is not equivalent to the countries’ tolerance of digital free speech, the index count may give us an idea of free speech.  This way, you can evaluate various challenges and opportunities for online […]