
Business Email 9

Help with our business email service

Customer service 9

Questions related to our online customer service system

Domain names 13

Articles covering domain name registration and transfer

Video Streaming CDN 0

KB articles covering our video streaming CDN

Website Hosting 7

Articles for hosting provisioned on distributed MediaServe Pro servers

WordPress 1

KB articles related to our WordPress hosting service

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 How do I cancel service?

Cancellation of service must be done within your MediaServe account in order to verify the...

 How do I change my domain name's dns servers?

After transferring a domain to us for hosting, or if you wish to point your domain name to...

 Can I change my account information?

Changing your account details is easy: 1. Log in to your account details editor here. 2. Make...

 How do I cancel a domain name?

Canceling a domain name is a matter of setting it to not automatically renew, so that it expires...

 How do I view or change my domain name contact information?

Each domain name has its own contact information, and it's important to keep said contact...