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MediaServe Pro 9.10.0 Update

MediaServe Pro 9.10.0 Update

Tuesday, October 31, 2023 MediaServe Pro Hosting Panel

Release Notes for Pro 9.10.0 Update.

  • IPV6 support. (Available but not used yet.)
  • Ability to set dark mode as default for all new accounts. (Settings > Branding)
  • Move server migration sessions;Migrations are now displayed by the date and time the migration took place.
  • Migrations are now displayed by the date and time the migration took place.
  • Improvements have been made to the 'Updating toast' so that it only shows when an update is taking place and no longer shows on lost connections.
  • Estonian and Greek language pack (beta).
  • Better handling of PHP errors in WordPress toolkit.
  • On cloning a website, WP_HOME is now set to match WP_SITEURL.
  • Website search field persists when using the browser's back button.
  • cPanel importer is tolerant of stored procedures, views and triggers with DEFINER definitions.
  • php-fpm setting are now available in UI for Nginx web server.
  • API errors when moving the database or email role for a website with subdomains.
  • Service website domains can now be updated from 'Platform settings'.
  • Disk stats collection no longer fails when a site has bad permissions.
  • WordPress cron path was incorrect on addon/subdomains with custom path.
  • Bug during website server migration causing migrations to fail where subdomains existed.