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Our Apache shared hosting will be converted to OpenLiteSpeed!

Our Apache shared hosting will be converted to OpenLiteSpeed!

Monday, May 27, 2024

Since we've launched our new hosting panel (called MediaServe Pro), we been working with a Managed VPS client who put OpenLiteSpeed though its paces. We've found OpenLiteSpeed to be faster in performance compared to Apache.

Our cPanel hosting clients who requested migration to the new system were hosted by Apache until we switched those servers to OpenLiteSpeed as well. The only problem we've experienced was that some clients using non-standard DirectoryIndex settings would not function properly, so these always need to conform to index.php or index.html. Simply copying the non-standard DirectoryIndex filename to index.php or index.html, while leaving the non-standard file present too for navigational menus in your website code, was the simplest solution.

Going forward we plan do the same with our new shared Apache hosting plans, so we're announcing this as and will soon email those clients with a link to this article to get prepared for switchover. This will be seamless and conversion will happen in less an a minute, and is planned to be done late Sunday June 2nd 2024.

As mentioned above, we expect no problems other than clients with non-standard DirectoryIndex filenames such as case-senstive Index.php or Index.html files, and others like default.htm or index.htm. All DirectIndex filenames should be either index.php (for php applications) or index.html. Please make these changes before the conversion next Sunday to be sure you won't find your website facing this simple and easily resolved problem.

If you have any questions, please open a support ticket and we'll answer any questions and/or assist with anything you need prior do this date.
